
Personal Mandala Readings© are art therapy sessions provided by Reiki Master, NLP Master Practitioner Renate Collins Hume. Taos, New Mexico

Renate Collins Hume was born in Westfalen, Germany, studied arts and sciences, and emigrated to the U.S. in 1970. She continued her studies in Switzerland, New York, and New Mexico, where she taught at the Taos Institute of Arts. She received outstanding awards and is represented in both Museum and private collections internationally.

Renate has been a lifelong searcher, questing for life’s meaning and beyond. She is an intuitive, a healer, with the motto “Helping others help themselves”. Her background involves music, pharmaceutical sciences, philosophy, psychology, art, and teaching.

Renate is a Master Practitioner of NLP, a Reiki Master, and has a Second Level Certification in Ericksonian Hypnosis. She is a member of the International Association of Neurolinguistic Programming (IA-NLP) and has recently completed a course in “Beyond NLP”.

Her Jungian studies focused on symbols and archetypes in fairy tales. In 1998 she originated Personal Mandala Therapy. Since then, it has been her personal practice and immense joy to share the experience with her clients. 

Personal Mandala Readings© are carefully guided explorations of the unconscious, with the purpose of attaining clarity. This is an excellent tool to regain personal balance and “reconnect” with yourself.

*Renate was the 2023 recipient of the Charles R. Strong Lifetime Achievement Award.

Personal Mandala Readings© are art therapy sessions provided by Reiki Master, NLP Master Practitioner Renate Collins Hume. Taos, New Mexico
Taos, New Mexico | Personal Mandala Readings© are art therapy sessions provided by Reiki Master, NLP Master Practitioner Renate Collins Hume.
Mandala Therapy: Personal Mandala Readings© are art therapy sessions provided by Reiki Master, NLP Master Practitioner Renate Collins Hume. Taos, New Mexico